Dear Cousin,

In order to prepare a rental proposal specific to your particular needs and requirements please provide us with the following information.

It will allow us to put forward the best option (s) for you, not only car selection but perhaps pick up and drop off location choices best suited to your itinerary. Once we receive your enquiry we ll be back to you pretty quickly and certainly within 24 hours.

We also invite you to ask any questions you may have around your rental in the questions/queries box on the form.

We offer only a fully inclusive package so it’s top heavy in terms of cover. The price you receive is full and final, no additional charges, costs or surprises on pick up. With zero excess, no hold or deposits held it is the most comprehensive car rental package available.

We are here for you at all times during your visit (before and after too) to assist in any way with any issues that arise – car related or not.

That’s what family’s for🙂

Fill in the form – your proposal will follow shortly.

We look forward to your visit.

Cousin Malachy


Select Your Vehicle

Please select a vehicle type
Please select a transmission type

Rental Details

Please select a pickup location
Please select a pickup date
Please select a pickup time
Please select a return location
Please select a return date
Please select a return time
Please enter a valid number of passengers (0-20)
Please confirm your age
Please select yes or no
One way not possible - you have to bring it back to Ireland

Your Details

Please enter your full name
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid phone number
Please select yes or no
Please tell us how you heard about us

Review Your Information

Selected Vehicle Edit

Vehicle Type: -
Transmission: -

Rental Details Edit

Pickup Location: -
Pickup Date & Time: -
Return Location: -
Return Date & Time: -
Number of Passengers: -
Age Verification: -
International Travel: -

Personal Details Edit

Name: -
Email: -
Phone: -
First Visit to Ireland: -
Special Occasion: -
Referral Source: -
Questions/Comments: -